Saturday, December 31, 2011

Plane, Car and Truck Adventures - Year End 2011

After traveling to Florida and back, here we are in Minnesota again.  The last week has been filled with plane, truck and car adventures.  See for yourself.
I flew to Florida on Friday, Dec 23 with no mishaps.  The planes (with transfer) were on time and my daughter, Becca picked me up at the airport in Tampa.
After packing up her apartment, loading the U-Haul and attaching her car, we were on the road to Little Rock.  Road adventures included fog and rain and damage to the bumper on the U-haul car trolley.
 Becca's friends load the U-haul in Florida on Christmas Eve day.

Minor damage to the trolley on Christmas day.
The warrior drivers - Jan and Becca
We arrived in Little Rock without further mishaps and spent the afternoon and evening with Will, Liz, Megan and Lucy.  The car and trolley were detached.  The U-haul reorganized and the next day we were on the road again to Minnesota.

By the end of the week, we were able to unload the U-haul to a storage unit near home.

All done unloading on Friday evening.

Wait, there is just one more car adventure.... Sarah's Jetta was towed for repairs this morning.
How was your holiday time?

Sunday, December 18, 2011

At the Gym Again

Time to get in shape.  Saturday morning I was at the gym again training.  It going to take some time but I'm taking it one step at a time.  How about you?

Monday, December 12, 2011

Christmas Preparations

All I want for Christmas is MORE TIME.
With only two more weeks til Christmas, the holidays are once again coming whether I'm ready or not!
Could you all just wait for me to catch up and get ready too?? Just this once.  I promise it will never happen again.  I'll be prepared.
So who am I kidding?  It happens every year.  So why should this year be an different?
I enjoy reading family and friend's blogs. I get all inspired to 'deck the hall', shop and mail our Christmas cards.  Next I realize that it's the middle of December and I'm still designing the card to make to send this year.  Yes, I am a little behind.
I did get out the beautiful Noel blocks that Elizabeth made for us last year.  They are decorating the mantel but still need a little more cheer.
At least it's a start!
I made some cute Christmas tags at a friend's workshop on Sunday.
Now all I need are presents, our tree up and decorated and many other projects finished.  
But then again, I have two more weeks! Right?

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Saturday Snow in Savage

It snowed late Saturday afternoon and into the night.  We got 4 " here in Savage.  The roads were very slippery on Saturday and Sunday.  The snow however was heavy and beautiful. See for yourself.